Many thanks again for all the responses I have received in relation to this year’s Koel season. It seems clear that up to 5 adult Koels are still being heard/seen in quite a few locations. However, the low number of fledglings to date
seems also to have been confirmed, as I’ve only been able to add 5 to the running total, which is now 56. So far it does seem to be a very different season from expected, noting that after the record 2020-2021 season where we had around 350 fledglings, I
expected numbers in following years to keep rising significantly. The reasons for this are unclear, possibly due to relatively few Red Wattlebirds being around (certainly the case in my local patch) as well as the very wet period from the end of November
leading to nest failures, though at least around my place some species have managed OK. Jack Holland
From: <>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 8:48 AM
To: 'Canberrabirds' <>
Subject: Koel update
Good morning subscribers, it’s been a quite different Eastern Koel season, at least around my local area of NW Chapman/W Rivett, with at least 4 adults still around by their still frequent calling to each other, mostly but not exclusively
in the mornings, and with the odd Koel still seen too over the past week.
Also unusual is the number of local fledglings, having confirmed just my fourth for the season last night, well down on the number in recent years. Also to date only 51 fledglings in total for the COG AoI have come to my attention, well
down from the around 180 in the past 2 seasons, and with only 1 other one reported in the past week. Usually the bulk of the fledglings have been reported by now.
While in a week’s time I will be checking eBird for the past month for my Gang-gang column, if you have any observations over the past 3 weeks I would be very grateful if you could please provide me with the date, place, state of the fledgling’s
development (usually clear from its mobility and length of tail, and its host (all confirmed ones being Red Wattlebirds as usual so far).
Many thanks
Jack Holland