In my neck of the woods, I hear a male and/or a female most days but a few days ago, there was a wild chasing exercise going on involving 2 males and 2 females. I first became aware or their presence when one pair started screeching right
above my head, barely three metres away. Quite a shock (for me!). I also heard a begging fledgling in Forrest last weekend (10-11 Feb) in Sorrel St Forrest.
David Rosalky
From: Canberrabirds <>
On Behalf Of jandaholland--- via Canberrabirds
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 8:48 AM
To: 'Canberrabirds' <>
Subject: [Canberrabirds] Koel update
Good morning subscribers, it’s been a quite different Eastern Koel season, at least around my local area of NW Chapman/W Rivett, with at least 4 adults still around by their still frequent calling to each other, mostly but not exclusively
in the mornings, and with the odd Koel still seen too over the past week.
Also unusual is the number of local fledglings, having confirmed just my fourth for the season last night, well down on the number in recent years. Also to date only 51 fledglings in total for the COG AoI have come to my attention, well
down from the around 180 in the past 2 seasons, and with only 1 other one reported in the past week. Usually the bulk of the fledglings have been reported by now.
While in a week’s time I will be checking eBird for the past month for my Gang-gang column, if you have any observations over the past 3 weeks I would be very grateful if you could please provide me with the date, place, state of the fledgling’s
development (usually clear from its mobility and length of tail, and its host (all confirmed ones being Red Wattlebirds as usual so far).
Many thanks
Jack Holland