No Plumed Whistling-Ducks this morning, but there are newly-hatched Australian Shelducks with ducklings (shelducklings?) at BOTH Trucking Yard Lane and the sewage works.
I wonder where they have bred? Mostly (but not always) this occurs in tree hollows, and there don’t seem to be trees large enough in the vicinity of their brood territories. HANZAB says that the parents can lead the ducklings ‘several kilometres’
from the nesting tree to the brood territories, i.e. the dam and sewage works.
The dam on Lake Road is full, and the adjacent paddock is largely flooded. Not especially good water-bird birding there, though, perhaps because the whole landscape is wet. And of course, Lake George/Weereewaa has heaps of water on it.
David McDonald
1004 Norton Road, Wamboin NSW 2620, Australia
Tel: (02) 6238 3706 | Mobile: 0416 231 890
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