I haven’t seen them there in previous years either John, but I cycle along that track most days, and for the last month or two there
have often been trillers calling at the North Curtin Ovals and again near the Scrivener Dam carpark.
A friend reported seeing > 10 trillers in the Naas valley yesterday, including fledged young.
From: calyptorhynchus . [
Sent: Friday, 29 November 2019 7:53 AM
To: Canberra Birds <>
Subject: [canberrabirds] abundance of White-winged Trillers this season
There were twenty or so feeding this morning along the Curtin Bike Track between Curtin and Yarralumla Creek (where the Horse Paddocks are on the other side of the Creek) around 7 this morning. I have never seen them there before.