From: Chris
Davey [
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 8:08 PM
Subject: Hanging Cockatoo. Any thoughts?
Hi, I have received the following query, see below. Any thoughts? Chris
‘There’s a SC cockatoo hanging out in my part of Hackett, which is behaving quite weird. It hangs itself from the telephone wires, holding on by its beak. It just dangles, barely moving, and occasionally flexes a wing.
When I first saw it, back in April, I thought it was dead. Since then I have seen it multiple times: and I have logged it as being there ( like this ) as many as four times in one day. It stays there quite a while, barely moving, sometimes:
the longest I have noted is at least 15 minutes: sometimes just a few minutes. Part of that Long time recorded on my phone video ( lasts 10 mins then my hands got tired ) but the video is too long to email you.
I did wonder if it did this because it’s feet or legs were damaged. Checking this with binoculars, well I just can’t say. But I can say it has two feet although I can’t say if all claws are there or if legs are functional. When it
hangs, its feet are tucked up a bit, and slightly hidden by chest feathers.
Having this SCrC hanging there tends to bother other birds using the wires. I have seen: A SCrC on the wire, sidle up to the hanging one, and then lean forward to look at it face to face: crested pigeons peering at it: noisy miners
being noisy and alarmist at it.’