Yesterday as I went for a walk around the block I was hearing a distinct high pitch repeated double note bird call from high in one of the big street eucalypts. I did not recognise it but best I could think of was a Rose-ringed Parakeet
but a bit less shrieky. As domestic parrots can often have variations that is what I thought I was looking for. But no sign of such a thing. Looking for a minute or two the same double note was repeated many times. Then a Red Wattlebird flew down to a much
closer smaller tree where it was clearly visible. Quite strange, the parrot like call was given many times and the same every time, same timing between two notes, between one or two seconds. The timing probably fitted the timing of their usual 3 syllable call.
The bird pulled its head back as they usually do but the tone and normal quality of the Red Wattlebird call was completely missing. It also gave the usual single note “quock” call at random intervals in between.
This is one of those notes when I wonder what use is this to anyone. Still worth mention as it is new to me for such a common bird. If it is mimicry I can’t come up with a sensible suggestion.