Many members heard Janet Gardner’s disturbing talk on Wednesday evening about the effect of climate change on birds, in particular the probability of some birds dying in temperatures in the high 40s. This recalled for
me 29 November 2012 when I abandoned a camp at Hattah-Kulkyne in the face of predicted temperatures in the high 40s that could be about to set an all-time record in Mildura. I spent the next night at Hay and posted myself at Wattle Dam, near Cocoparra NP
early the next morning. The small dam was visited by many bird species, panting and obviously stressed. Without the water it seemed to me many could not have survived. A selection below –
Surely such man-made water sources, necessarily set among or near sheltering trees will be important for survival of local birds in many dry areas. However in the mallee area where Janet is conducting research there
has been a policy of deliberately closing dams in the interest of improving bird habitat. The reasoning is that dams allow goats to survive. All (?) open dams at Gluepot have been closed as well as many at other mallee parks. Elevated drinking troughs have
been erected at some bird observation points. If appropriately constructed and located these
might provide survival watering places for birds in severe conditions. However, they would need to be able to be kept filled in extreme conditions. Moreover, they would need to have regard to the needs of a wide range of bird species. It was once
thought that ‘Black-eared Miners do not need artificial water sources ….’