
Loss of Mature Native Trees listed as threatening process in ACT

To: "" <>
Subject: Loss of Mature Native Trees listed as threatening process in ACT
From: Con Boekel <>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 21:15:50 +0000


I was told by someone who sounded like they knew what they were talking about: E sideroxylon.  They might be cultivars thereof - I don't know my trees well enough to say for sure.



On 10/3/2018 10:24 PM, Megan Mears wrote:
Does someone know the name of the planted Eucalypts on Negus Cr? 



On Tue., 2 Oct. 2018, 6:53 pm David Rees, <> wrote:
 I think this instrument is a good idea and congrats to all those who pushed it forwards.  Brings back memories of watching contractors bulldozing matures trees with Superb Parrots nesting in them when clearing the northern edge of the Harrison Oval. Hopefully it may help prevent such 'mistakes' in future...    In fairness to the Negus Cres situation with the Swift parrots it also needs to be said that the birds were feeding in planted street trees put in by the ACT Government, in addition to those that will be lost due to the re-development of the area.


On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 12:42 PM Con Boekel <> wrote:

Having just observed endangerd Swift Parrots repeatedly using mature native lerp-infested trees, I am very pleased to hear this.

For the particular trees behind Negus Crescent, it is,  I believe, too late. They are about to become a community centre, shopping centre and houses according to the sign hanging on the fence.

On behalf of the Swifties, if I may presume, a big thank you to all the people who have worked hard on this.



On 10/2/2018 9:11 AM, Jenny Bounds wrote:

Chatline members may be interested in this, see the note and link below to the relevant legislative document. 


By way of background, this nomination was put together by several people under the umbrella of the Conservation Council’s Biodiversity Working Group which I chair (principal contributors Geoff Butler (ANPS), Sarah Sharp (FOG), Jenny Bounds (COG), and Larry O’Loughlin (Director, Conservation Council)).  It came about due to our concerns and frustrations over the ongoing decisions by ACT Government to clear large numbers of mature native trees for various developments. The catalyst finally was Minister Gentleman’s use of the Minister’s call in powers for the Solar Farm at Williamsdale which removed over 100 mature eucalypts, without proper consideration of alternative, already cleared sites.


I contributed on behalf of COG, relevant information on impacts of loss of these trees, on the Superb Parrot and Brown Treecreeper, drawing on material from COGs Superb Parrot surveys in Gungahlin & Molonglo Valley, Chris Davey’s study of Brown Treecreepers in and around Kama Nature Reserve, as well as COG database records.


It is very good news.  We are yet to see how this may change the way these trees are dealt with in the ACTs planning processes.



Jenny Bounds

Conservation Officer




Following the discussion at the Biodiversity Working Group I am circulating the link


The instrument took effect 27 September. It is called advice which takes account of some rewording of the Nature Conservation Act passed a few weeks ago.


As the Advice says:


A nomination of the threatening process Loss of hollow bearing trees was made by a group led by the Conservation Council (ACT) and was assessed against the eligibility criteria outlined in the Nature Conservation (Key Threatening Processes Eligibility) Criteria 2016 (DI2016-256).  


The Committee considered the nomination and supplementary information provided by the nominators, and other research on large mature native trees within the ACT and region.  The Committee agreed to broaden the threatening process from the loss of hollow bearing trees to the key threatening process of Loss of mature native trees (including hollow bearing trees) and a lack of recruitment.

There are Conservation Issues and Proposed Management Actions on pages 15 and 16.


Congratulations to those who have worked on this proposal over the years and particularly on the latest version, especially the Biodiversity Working Group.


It's great news and we'll have a closer look and write it up and publicise!



Larry O'Loughlin
Executive Director, Conservation Council ACT Region

14/26 Barry Drive, Canberra ACT 2601 (GPO Box 544 Canberra ACT 2601)
T: (02) 6229 3202 M: 0419 266 110 E:  Skype: live:director_3837
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We are a voice for the environment in the ACT region. As a non-profit, non-government organisation we rely on donations to continue our work. Provide your support here. Thank you!


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