Come on, COG members! There has been a very slow take-up of survey sites for this year’s blitz. I realise some of you are waiting to mop up unloved sites but so many regulars haven’t indicated if and where they’ll survey
this year. Please do so asap! Some gems waiting for blitzers include Tidbinbilla, all of the Brindabellas, Campbell Park, ANBG, Arboretum, Mt Painter, Tharwa sandwash, Square Rock, Brandy Flat, Glendale Crossing, Yankee Hat, Settlers Trail, Yerrabi Track,
Yerrabi Pond, Tuggeranong Hill, Newline, Lake Tuggeranong, Rob Roy, Mt Ainslie, Mt Majura – etc etc. Check out the list on the website for other sites and put in your bids to
or contact me at the next COG meeting. b