Many thanks to all enthusiastic blitzers who have already submitted their records. A great response thus far and some really interesting observations, including at least one new bird for the blitz, the Scarlet Honeyeaters at the ANBG. I
shall work my way steadily through the records and give periodic updates to the chat line and through the newsletter. Again many thanks to all participants and a plea to those who haven’t yet submitted their records to do so asap. And to share any interesting
back-stories with the chatline. I really enjoyed my weekend even though I didn’t see anything particularly new or different. Highlights were Fuscous Honeyeaters, Dusky Woodswallows and a pair of Flame Robins feeding on ??? on the road (Smokers Trail); a handsome
male Satin Flycatcher (also Smokers); Speckled Warblers feeding young (Pinnacle NR); a pair of kestrels vocalising (Pinnacle NR); a Great Egret and a pair of Crested Shrike-tits (Lake Ginninderra); and two poor Brown Thornbills feeding a great lump of a Fan-tailed
Cuckoo chick (Tidbinbilla). b