This morning I paid a visit to the Bungendore area. The fog was not quite so thick as yesterday when I was on my way to Mulloon Creek and yet another unsuccessful venture onto the orienteering field. For the information of out-of-town
subscribers to this chatline I’ll pass on a few points about the Lake Road impermanent water which has received a few mentions recently. This is on the way to Lake George and is routinely checked out by COG members on their way to the lake (or non-lake, as
the case may be). The intermittent filling of the depression may be responsible for its value as a food source with all the decomposing veg. The Google view on the right is dated November 2015 and shows an apparently dry depression which I have outlined
in violet. That view shows a vehicle track (yellow) running from the gate (a usual vantage point for birdwatchers) across to farm fixtures on the western side. A prominent feature, significant from the viewpoint of the waterbirds, is the bund, or raised
embankment, which carries a fenceline which divides the depression between two stock enclosures. On the left is a photo from this morning in which the escarpment is obscured by a drifting morning fog.
I have been told that the paddocks in which the depression lies have no connection with the residence to the south but are leased or licensed for the use of the property on the other side of Lake Road. Next I’ll offer a few words about
the birds that were there this morning.