Thanks to everyone who responded to my email regarding the Fuscous
Honeyeater. It was an informative and fascinating exercise!
Many people gave me valuable suggestions as to where I might find them and others provided me with extra information and data regarding the species.
I followed up on Duncan McCaskill's information (via Jack Holland ... many thanks Jack & Duncan!) that there were many on Percival Hill.
After what looked like being a non-productive walk as far as the Fuscous was concerned, I finally found many birds bathing (for some it was more like dive-bombing!!) late in the afternoon and a fair number of them were
fuscous and white-naped honeyeaters.
I was quite a distance away, but did manage some very ordinary photos. (one attached of a
fuscous & white naped...)
Next I will follow up on some of the other suggested locations.
Thanks to all.