Terry Bird wrote:
>Has moved from customary position but definitely there at 1045
today. Approach the
>large oak tree from the exit road ( next to Haigh Park ) just past
a grey metal sub-station
>structure near to a low treated pine fence and look up to heavy
branches reaching towards
>the building roof. There is a good clear view of the powerful
owl,certainly awake and
>glaring downwards with a ringtail possum clutched in it's talons
Many thanks for this update, Terry! Your message inspired a flurry of
interested visitors - including me, hoping for a frontal view. The owl
was regularly "relaxing" its wings, and with wings "drooping", the tail
no longer protruded beyond the wings. It also appeared to be panting -
perhaps both activities a sign that it was feeling the warmer weather?
For those who cannot get there, here's a picture, taken at about 1:45pm
today ...
(click on thumbnail for larger view)
Regards ... Robin Eckermann
02-6161-6161 or 0418-630-555