cubs may be killed by males replacing other males in the pride.
In animals, infanticide involves the killing of young offspring by a mature animal of its own species, and is
studied in zoology,
specifically in the field of ethology.Ovicide is the analogous destruction of eggs. Although human
infanticide has been widely
studied, the practice has been observed in many other species throughout the
animal kingdom. These include microscopic rotifers, insects, fish, amphibians,birds and mammals.[2] Infanticide can be practiced by
both males and females.
Infanticide caused by sexual conflict has the general theme of the killer
(often male) becoming the new sexual partner of the victim's parent, which
would otherwise be unavailable. This represents a gain in fitness by the killer, and a loss in fitness by
the parents of the offspring killed. This is a type
of evolutionary
struggle between the two sexes, in which the victim
sex may have counter-adaptations that reduce the success of this practice. It
may also occur for other reasons, such as the struggle for food between females.
In this case individuals may even kill closely related offspring.
Filial infanticide occurs when a parent kills its own
offspring. This sometimes involves consumption of the young themselves, which is
termed filial cannibalism.
The behavior is widespread in fishes, and is seen in terrestrial animals as
well.Human infanticide has been recorded in almost
every culture. A unique aspect of human infanticide is selective
infanticide based on gender.