Hi Canberran birders,
I am happy that there were at least 3 other birders who had confirmed
my sighting.
Looks like it was a good move to decide sending out the announcement
over the lunch with my other non birders colleagues.
This morning while on my way to work I overheard some commotion of
Noisy Miners across the street. It was when I also heard the noise
from Magpie-Lark, umm... 2 species of birds which do not often sing
together... could be an owl or possum or something unusual.
I followed the noise and there I immediately saw the shape and back of
a barn owl-like bird. I walked back to my desk to fetch my camera (not
sure if this is a good practice to keep gears at workplace) and it was
still there. The Magpie Larks were very agitated with its presence and
the Australian Magpie almost pecked on it. The was also a Pied
Currawong perched higher up keeping an eye on the owl.
I did not bother to report it to the group immediately as I would
expect the Barn Owl to fly off soon afterwards as it might not stand
the harassment from so many other birds. To my surprise, it was still
there when I checked it out during lunchtime and all the other birds
had given up of harassing it due to its perseverance. This is when I
have decided to share it to the group as I think it would likely be
around for a while, at least for the rest of the day.
Below are photos taken today. A bit weird to shoot it with so many
cars passing by.
Kind regards,
Tun Pin Ong
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Philip Veerman <> wrote:
> Thanks for that. Still there at 4:40. More directions. Somewhat more than 10
> metres south of pedestrian walk path, more like 20 to 25, I think. Bird was
> almost over the north bound lane of Athllon Drive. On the lowest branch on
> the 2nd most southern tree, in the section near the "watch for bicycles
> sign" (on the eastern side of the road) bounded by a utility box 7305
> (marked 7 on reverse) that is within the same plantation but at the other
> side.
> I've seen lots of Barn Owls before but this is a nice diversion for me on
> the worst week of my 56 year life.
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Brown
> Sent: Friday, 12 April 2013 2:22 PM
> To: COG_Mailing_List
> Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Barn Owl at Tuggeranong The Good Guys
> As I said, the Barn Owl is still here, 2:20pm
> John
> Hi,
> There is a Barn Owl on a tree at the dividing patch along busy Athllon
> Drive.
> Just 10 meters south of pedestrian walk path towards entrance to the good
> guys.
> It was still there in lunch time. Earlier magpie, Currawong, pewee, noisy m
> harassed it now they left it alone. Regards, Tun Pin Sent from my iPhone
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