
Maned ducks calling

To: "'Canberrabirds'" <>
Subject: Maned ducks calling
From: "Philip Veerman" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 23:10:27 +1100
Every (?) year I get a small number of observations of Maned Ducks (=
Australian Wood Ducks) on my GBS. This is always from hearing them as they
fly over at night. It is related to how often I go outside for a stroll at
night. I am more likely to do that in summer time, so that would influence
any pattern to the records. In 28 years I have not ever seen them in my GBS
area (apart from if it happens to be a bright night). As such, the numbers I
record are always estimates and for example I would record 2 but the real
number could easily be 30. This is based on that there have been other times
(away from Canberra) when I have heard them flying over at night, thought
there was only a few and then seen them say feeding on lawns and realised
there were large flocks. In the end that doesn't really matter. I expect
your observations are not connected to starting breeding.

The GBS Report (below) says "The monthly pattern of observations does not
suggest any regularity." That is expected because the data is a combination
of the high level of randomness over time of inclusion in the survey of the
small and irregular number of GBS Sites where there is permanent water and
regular flocks nearby and the observations such as mine and yours.

Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata
This is an abundant waterbird around Canberra and may breed at any site that
has extensive water, trees and grass. It is also easily recorded from garden
areas that have these facilities nearby, such as farm and park dams. Also it
flies over the suburbs at night, giving its distinctive call. Although the
number of individuals involved in such night-time observations are difficult
to assess, the high frequency of such observations of one or two birds keeps
up the numbers observed. The monthly pattern of observations does not
suggest any regularity. The abundance has increased. In Year 12 it was
especially high, partly due to Site 227. However the occurrence thereafter
is broad across the city. This may be partly due to the inclusion of this
species on the printed list of species on versions 3 & 4 of the chart.
Breeding records have increased markedly, first recorded in Year 4, under
10% of count records to Year 10, to over 20% of count records in Year 17.
Inspecting hollows from start of July, on nests up to end of December and
dependent young from late September till early January.
Graphs on page: 91, Rank: 57, Breeding Rank: 25, A = 0.11585, F = 21.94%, W
= 36.0, R = 2.903%, G = 3.99.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul T. 
Sent: Monday, 25 March 2013 10:00 PM
Subject: Maned ducks calling

Howdy Folks,

This evening I am hearing the calls of Maned Ducks, I am assuming in
one of the nearby Eucalypts by the direction of the calls.  I've
heard it 3 or 4 times this evening so far.  It is unusual in that I
think it is about the third time I have ever heard their call here in
Higgins in the nearly 18 years I have lived here.  Are they on the
move at present, or would they be looking for nesting hollows or
something now?  No water anywhere near here at all, unless you count
the odd garden pond (there is a frog habitat  pond a half block away,
but I doubt it would be any use to the ducks)?

Anyway, unusual enough for here that I thought I would mention
it.  Sorry if this is regarded as a pointless post by any viewers.


Paul T.
Higgins, ACT.

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