
Rufous Fantail

To: Muriel Brookfield <>
Subject: Rufous Fantail
From: martin butterfield <>
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 19:49:09 +1100
A Rufous Fantail was also recorded on the ANPS trip to Monga NP today.  Several of the species seen would get folk excited in Canberra especially the Lewin's Honeyeaterand the 3 Crested Shrike-tits.  A full list is attached and a few images are on my blog (together with quite a few fungi and some other stuff).

Thinking of the core business of ANPS the Pinkwoods are in full glory and the Correa lawrencia is about to hit its straps.

On 6 March 2013 19:12, Muriel Brookfield <> wrote:
 One Rufous Fantail yesterday among a small group of Grey Fantails and Superb Fairy wrens, a little earlier than in March 2011 (see Annual Bird Report July 2010-June 2011).

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Martin Butterfield

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