Update 25 October
Just two days to go now and the weather forecast, if accurate, is reasonably ok. The Excel spreadsheet on the website will be updated shortly to show the spots that have already been “adopted” for surveying. But more blitzers are always welcome as many of the listed individuals are surveying only a single site in the nominated grid cell. For those of you as yet uncommitted, how about considering surveying one of the following prime pieces of avian real estate?
In the north: Black Mountain NR; Mt Pleasant; all the grassland reserves except Dunlop; Haig Park
In the west: Woodstock NR; Umbagong Park; Mt Painter; the arboretum
In the south: Yerrabi Trail; Nursery Swamp; Smokers Trail; Orroral Valley; Mt Rob Roy; Yankee Hat; Mt Mugga Mugga; Telopea Park; McQuoids Hill; Urambi Hills; Kambah Pool; Red Rocks Gorge; Pine Island
To nominate your preferred site or simply to discuss options, please contact me at m("","blitz");">. Or at the very least, do a 2ha, 20-min survey of your own backyard and environs.
Please note that there are some road closures currently in force. In the Brindabellas Mt Franklin Rd is closed from Bulls Head, though the road to Bendora Dam is open. And with today’s wind it is possible others may also be affected. Please take care in venturing into the great outdoors.
And please remember to enter your data electronically asap (and let me know when you have done so, so we can track down errant dates) OR return your datasheets promptly, to COG, PO box 301 Civic Square 2608 or to the red box at the November meeting.
Please join in to help us make our 8th blitz a success. Good birding everyone!
Barbara Allan blitz coordinator