Yes, Carolina Wren. The males and females engage in antiphonal
singing pretty much all day long this time of year. The other two
birds one often hears in the background at the Masters are Northern
Cardinals (clear whistled
"sweet-sweet-sweet-sweet","purty-purty-purty", "widow-widow-widow"
or similar pattern), Northern Mockingbirds (mimics and makes up
their own patterns, usually repeating a phrase 6 times or so), and
the occasional Eastern Towhee ("sip-your-teeeeaaa"). I'm not a golf
fan in particular, but I've watched the Masters for years to see the
spectacular azaleas and hear the birds.
On 4/5/2012 6:14 PM, Geoffrey Dabb wrote:
Particularly loud on the US Masters golf at
the moment, what I take to be the “teakettle, teakettle” of
the Carolina Wren flitting around the ground mikes. Happy to
be corrected.