Prue and I, with Dave and Kathy Cook, had a lovely morning for our first woodland survey of the year. Birds were distributed rather unevenly with some southern sites being alive with small birds, while northern ones were very quiet. Some highlights were a Peregrine, a male Rose Robin (possibly 2 different birds), Diamond Firetails at 2 sites, and a good number of Scarlet Robin records including 5 birds at one site.
Also saw a Black-shouldered Kite, Dusky Woodswallows (3), Speckled Warblers (2 sites), several Mistletoebirds, 10+ Grey Fantails at one site, Varied Sittellas (6). Cool weather arrivals (apart from the already mentioned robins) were Golden Whistlers (3) and White-eared Honeyeaters (3+). No evidence of honeyeater migration although a White-naped was heard at one stage. 4 species of thornbill were recorded, with Yellow-rumped and Buff-rumped in good numbers.
Other wildlife included a couple of Shinglebacks, 3 spp of frogs heard (including Litoria verreauxii), and 9 species of butterflies, among them Imperial and Spotted Jezebels, Stencilled Hairstreak, Common and Shouldered Browns, and a White-banded Grass-dart. Also the first Pasture Day moths I’ve seen this season, and a large colony of Brittle Greenhood orchids (Pterostylis/Diplodium truncatum).