
More Satin Bower Birds in Higgins

To: "Paul T." <>
Subject: More Satin Bower Birds in Higgins
From: Anthony Overs <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 12:07:02 +1100
Hi Paul and others

Since moving to Mataranka St in Hawker in January I've seen a green Satin Bowerbird once every couple of weeks or so, sometimes every week for a month (trying to remember what's on my GBS chart...). In the past few weeks I've had a blue/black bird visit on several occasions. He has also been seen by friends further down the street. Haven't seen him for a week or so. He could be at your place!

It has raised a GBS conundrum again. The maximum number of Satin Bowerbirds I've seen in any one week at any one time is one, despite the fact that I saw a green bird and a blue bird in the same week (at different times). What is the total number I put on the chart?


On 20 October 2011 11:56, Paul T. <> wrote:
Howdy All,

Further to my email of yesterday detailing a first sighting of bower birds for me here in Higgins....... I was just down the street checking whether the bird I saw in evidence yesterday was there (I heard it in a large conifer two houses down from my place this morning when I was hanging out the washing) but I didn't see the black male bird of yesterday.  I did however see 2 green birds, but not close enough to tell you beak colour or anything like that for attempting to do any sex or age identification, even if I knew how.  One of these was calling in the usual distinct call of the species, but nowhere near as strongly or intricately as the black male I saw yesterday.

So... we have not just one but at least 3 bower birds apparently in residence in my street here.  Cool!!  Hopefully they might visit my garden for water at times.  Interestingly, I cannot see any evidence of a bower constructed as yet, but there are definitely blue items lying about in a cleared area, so perhaps the bower will be a future display addition. <grin>

Has anyone else heard of bower birds this far west in Belconnen?  Or have I missed other reports?



Paul T.
Higgins, ACT

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