Do Dollarbirds commonly swoop people?
This morning I was walking on the large track at the edge of Mt
Ainslie (above Duffy St, nr the mobile mast at the head of Philip
Ave) when I was "swooped" 4 times by a Dollarbird. Swoop is perhaps
the wrong term - to use Martin Butterfields expressive term
describing magpie tactics a couple of years ago, the bird adopted
"an Exocet philosophy and came straight in at the face at head
height" twice, and from the side twice - on all occasions it
launched its flight from trees 50-100m away, and squawked loudly as
it pulled out of its flight path a few metres away from me. A poor
snap below....Db in centre heading straight at me...
Ive walked past that spot several times before and seen Dollarbirds
there, but have never been set on before - an interesting
Robin Hide