David, I fully concur.
I saw Moustached Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) in
Yogyakarta back in 1994 and was similarly bemused that that scientific name
didn't apply to the Alexandrine Parrot when I saw them in Bombay a couple of
weeks ago. And note that the "Moustached Parakeet" is also known (including in
the current edition of the IOC list of birds) as the Red-breasted Parakeet -
though surely the delicate pink hue of their breast cannot in anyone's
definition be considered red!
Harvey Perkins CRC Selection Rounds
Section _______________________________________ Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and
I nearly made the dreadful mistake of questioning
the wisdom of those who had demonstrated their knowledge and IDed Paul's parrot
as an "Alexandrine parrot". The subject parrot clearly lacks the
characteristics that I had noted about a beautiful parrot I was watching a few
years ago from a hotel room in Jakarta, and which I IDed from Joe Forshaw's
Parrots of the World. I thought this was the species referred
Apparently, I now discover, Psitticula alexandri is
not an Alexandrine Parrot, but a Moutached Parakeet. The Alexandrine
Parrakeet is Psitticula eupatria and is from the Indian Sub-continent, not
Indonesia. Common names remain a confusing mystery to me.
One lives and learns.
David Rosalky