Thanks to everyone who participated and who responded so
promptly to my plea for datasheet returns. So far there have been 211
datasheets (153 hard copy, 58 via COG’s electronic data input system)
from 62 participants, who covered 80 named grid cells in the ACT (and many more
whose identity I have yet to check). 171 bird species have been recorded, 56 of
them breeding. Three species were recorded for the first time in the blitz: Powerful
Owl, White-fronted Chat and Banded Lapwing. I shall have tubestock of dodonea
and indigoferra, courtesy of Greening Australia, available for collection at
the November COG meeting for all blitz participants (presuming I can keep them
alive till then!) plus there will be fantastic lucky draw prizes. To those of
you who have asked specific questions or put in dodgy data, I shall be
contacting you in due course. Cheers, b