From: Anthony Overs
Sent: Thursday, 29 October 2009 3:53 PM
To: canberrabirds
Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] 3 City Songlarks
Further to this, I heard a few songlarks
this morning along William Hovell Drive. I drive along there every morning, and
up until this morning hadn't heard one this spring. This morning there were
five birds calling between Coulter Drive and Bindubi Street. Maybe we've had a
few just turn up? Or have they been here a while and now decided that it's time
to sort territories and breed?
2009/10/29 Dimitris Bertzeletos <>
There are now 3 Rufus Songlarks
in the upper reaches of Sullivan's Creak. 2 singing males and (what I presume)
1 female being displayed at. There are lots of tall weeds for them to nest in
(they do nest in tall grasses right?)
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