A single Yellow-tufted Honeyeater continues to put in an
occasional appearance despite a hormonal wattlebird’s best efforts to
chase it (and everything else) out of our garden. YTHE is now on our GBS chart
for 6 weeks in a row.
During a walk on Mt Ainslie earlier today Suzi Bond showed Prue
and I a frogmouth roost, although we could only find one bird. We then checked
a different roost we knew of a few hundred metres away where there were 2 more
Elsewhere on the walk, a male Rufous Whistler was a bit of a
surprise. We also saw a Scarlet Robin, Brown-headed and Fuscous Honeyeaters, Speckled
Warblers, Yellow Thornbills, and a Grey Fantail. Galahs and rosellas were investigating
hollows and Noisy Miners nest building.