I also had clear close up views of a single bird in section 62
in the rainforest gully at 2 pm. It foraged in the open in the sunlight at eye
height briefly. It also spent time in section 159A in the lower canopy.
Also quite a number of green Satin Bowerbirds in the gully, a
Common Bronzewing flushed from along the path, and Crescent, Fuscous and
White-naped Honeyeaters all seen near the euc lawn.
Marnix Zwankhuizen | Assistant Director
Java Enterprise Technology | Information Technology
Australian Electoral Commission
T: 02 6271 4465 | F: 02 6271 4644
From: mat & cathy
Sent: Tuesday, 21 July 2009 11:36 AM
Subject: [canberrabirds] ANBG - Brown Gerygone
I had clear views of Jenny's Brown Gerygone in
the ANBG this morning (Tuesday 21st July, 10am coffee break).
It was calling incessantly, and I eventually got clear and
close views of the bird from the the north side of the rainforest gully,
in Section 146B and then 147A.
PS - Martin this is not a hoax.