A small group met at Farrer Ridge early on 5 July. At the parking
area near Erindale Drive numbers of Weebills were busy in the small
eucalypts, and we continued to see and hear Weebills most of the
way. Near the track under the powerlines we came upon a very
busy pair of Yellow-rumped Thornbills busy carrying nest material into a
clump of mistletoe only a metre or so above the ground. On those
lower slopes as well as further up the ridge we saw several Scarlet Robins
- male and female. Where the track up to the trig starts there were a
couple of Speckled Warblers, together with Weebills and more
Yellow-rumped Thornbills. Views from the top were great, on a cool but
still and sunny morning. Two Wedgetailed Eagles were circling over
the end of the Wanniassa hills. Twenty four species seen
altogether, with others including a Grey Butcherbird, King Parrots,
Crimson and Eastern Rosellas and Grey Shrike-thrushes.
Sandra Henderson