I was thinking that with spring not long on it's way we should perhaps start up a new sub club. While still being in the COG structure such as the 200 club is but being called the "Me Too" Club. There are people in COG who aren't able to attain that number of birds for some reason or another but there are few members who haven't had the opportunity (and resisted) to send "Me Too" responses regarding the report of some bird sighting in a Canberra suburb. I don't think there's a suburb in Canberra without at least one "Me Too" aficionado living there and to be honest, I don't think it would reflect too well on that neighborhood if for some reason or other it missed out. It is also my belief that there maybe one or two serial "Me Too's" around but this I hasten to add is my theory only and have no real proof. I'm sure most of you can recall some memorable "MT"s and there's been a few, such as the "Grey Butcherbird" and others that spring to mind,but who will ever forget the awesome summer of 2008, Common Koel "Me Too". This "Me Too" will go down in history as the "Me Too" of all "Me Too"s and being reported, and reported and reported in every corner of the ACT. They say records are made to be broken so lets get a dedicated "Me Too" button installed ready for spring and go for a new record..
Anyway this is only a suggestion and I'm sure some-one will tell me what to do with it.
Bob Rusk
PS. "OH dear" what if two Koels turn up The mind boggles
PPS We need a patron, Alistair where are you? |