Hello All,
Back on the coast for holidays now and the weather has been absolutely wonderful for the 5 days I've spent here so far. Birding is also good at Cullendulla Creak with much of the mistletoe, banksia, blue-berry ash (looks like another heavy crop to attract the Topknot Pigeons in summer) and eucalypt in flower. Thus far, I've seen bout 10 species of honeyeater, inlcuding scarlet, white-cheeked and fuscous, all 3 species of Lorikeet (fingers crossed for Swift Parrot) and Southern Emu Wrens at Cullendulla Creak. The Osprey reported earlier in the year is also still present as are Peregrine Falcon, Whistling Kite, Collared Spawk and White-bellied Sea Eagle. I've also tried sea watching a couple of time but so far I've only managed a single Black-browed Albatross of Depot Beach.
All the best from a pleasantly warm and bright green coast,
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