Visited Bendora
Dam via Uriarra, Brindabella
Mt Franklin Road
this morning. Highlights: 5 raptor sightings:
a Brown Falcon (high in tree just before Uriarra Settlement), 3
Wedge Tailed Eagles (2
on ground near road and one nearby in tree, just after Uriarra), a Nankeen Kestrel half way up Br Road, (and
2 other glimpses of unidentified raptors beside Mt Franklin Rd.);
cuckoos seen - all on Mt Franklin Road, including (I
think) one immature Pallid Cuckoo, an adult
Fan-tailed Cuckoo, an immature Bronze-Cuckoo (unsure about species),
another glimpsed against the sun without id.
To finish
off, just down the Bendora Rd off Mt Fr Rd, a Spotted Quail-thrush on
the road
( not as many as Martin saw the other day..) , and several Flame
Robins; and at
Uriarra, several Dusky Woodswallows.
Jack Holland's comments about cuckoos in this months Gang-Gang, I’ld be
for any suggestions/corrections about the cuckoo ids: photos below,
what I take to be
Fan-tailed, Pallid, and Bronze-Cuckoo (sp unclear? -poor photo).
Robin Hide