Over the Canberra Weekend it has been enjoyable to see the usual autumn
bird movements beginning. Species on the move include Black-faced
Cuckoo-Shrike in twos and threes, Red Watllebird and Noisy Friarbird in
larger groups and flocks of Silvereyes (some of Tasmanian origin).
Numbers of Scarlet Robins and White-eared Honeyeaters are increasing in
the sub-urban woodlands. In a triumphal gesture this evening(17:52 to be
precise), a pale morph Little Eagle flew low over our house. Recent
departures appear to include White-throated but not Western Gerygone and
Leaden Flycatchers. I am eagerly awaiting Diamond Firetails to arrive
in my world as they have done so spectacularly for others.
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