I rode my bike from the Museum of Australia to Scrivener Dam to Kellys Swamp to Duntroon and back to the start. In total I recorded 52 species. The more interesting (to me) observations were:
- Many nesting Little Black Cormorants clearly visible (and audible and smellable) from close to the bike path, where the path from Clunies Ross Street joins the Lake circuit. Theer are many nests here and those high in the trees can be easily seen - but my photos didn't turn out well enough to bother folk with.
- Several large flocks of White-winged Choughs. The biggest was 21 birds opposite the Government House Lookout.
- A Spotless Crake in Crake Alley where, as Steve Holliday reported, there is now a nice expanse of mud.
- Two Royal Spoonbills still in front of Cygnus hide. This most interesting sight was that all 3 nests have completely disappeared from the tree - if something that can't be seen can be refered to as a 'sight'!
- Many more Pink-eared Ducks at the poo pits than have been there recently.