
Sick Crimson Rosella

To: "Chris Davey" <>, "Leo Berzins" <>
Subject: Sick Crimson Rosella
From: "Barbara Preston" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 13:50:26 +1100
Chris & others
What's the appropriate way to minimise spreading of diseases via bird baths and other water provisions? I empty our birdbath and leave it dry in the sun for a day every week or so (birdbath is mostly used by larger birds - currawongs, magpies, crimson rosellas, red wattle birds, crested pigeons etc), and empy and clean a water bowl that the CRs use all the time also about once every couple of weeks.  (The small birds tend to use the pond, which is also used by RWs & CRs - it's filtered and has fish, lots of plants and snails & other little critters.)
Barbara Preston Research
ABN 18 142 854 599
21 Boobialla Street
O'Connor  ACT  2602
Phone: 61 2 6247 8919
Fax: 61 2 6247 8779
Mobile: 0439 47 8919
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