A fine early morning exploring the dry
forest and woodland of the lower western and southern slopes of Mt Taylor
(COG grid cell J15) this morning, with a lot of activity, including Black-faced
Cuckoo-shrike, Eastern Rosella (inspecting hollow in a huge Scribbly Gum
adorned with many other hollows - this tree must be of huge ecological
value), Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Galah (inspecting hollow), Speckled Warbler,
Double-barred Finch, Grey Butcherbird, Scarlet Robin. No Great Egret
(that Philip recently reported) near the dam. In full flower were
Silver Wattle, Cootamundra Wattle, Ploughshare Wattle, Hardenbergia, Cryptandra,
Hovea, Urn Heath. Also Leucopogon (not sure which species) just starting
to flower. Great views across the Bullen and Tidbinbilla Ranges to
blazing white snow on the Brindabella Range.
Matthew Frawley**********************************************************************
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