Hi Julian
Re your ID question.
It looks like a female Golden Whistler, (or
immature male), to me.
A couple of points to note.
The tuft of feathers near the wing are just
breast feathers which happen to be overlapping the wing in those 2 photos. You
can tell from the angle of the feathers (protruding from the breast - whereas
wing feathers at the top of the wing, there, are smaller, and tightly aligned
with the larger flight feathers, just further down the wing), and their short
and fluffy texture.
In the upper photograph you can just make
out the yellow vent mark (low on the abdomen) which is characteristic of female
Golden Whistlers (as far as I know, other birds do not have that tiny mark - but
others might correct that comment).
So, my money is on a female Golden Whistler
(about 90% sure).