
Coast and ID please

To: canberra birds <>
Subject: Coast and ID please
From: Dimitris Bertzeletos <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 02:23:10 +0200

Hello Julian et co.
Nice list you got there. Autumn and spring are the best times for birding on the South Coast. (I miss my patch! :()
Your bird is a young Whistler (that has lost an eye?). Lack of streaks rules out Rufus Whistler and presence of pale yellow tones rules out Olive. This leaves only Golden Whistler which is a common to abundant breeding resident (with some movements) on the South Coast.


> Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 00:01:50 +1100
> To:
> From:
> Subject: [canberrabirds] Coast and ID please
> Did some birding during a week at Mossy Point and surrounds and (as
> happens with us newer hands) a few lifers for me. My two discoveries
> were the Eurobodalla Botanic Gardens, a must-visit place, and Coila
> Ck - thanks to Rod.
> At the Bot Gdns :
> - Black-faced Monarch
> - Bassian Thrush
> - Rufous Fantail (lots of them, even got a photo)
> - Brown Gerygones nesting - feeding nestlings
> - my mystery bird which I'm after some help identifying (at the bottom of this)
> - Leaden Flycatcher
> - many Jacky Winters (listed on their list as a winter bird for them)
> - Fantail and maybe Brush Cuckoo immatures
> - Whipbird, Oriole, YFHE, Lewins HE, etc
> At Coila Ck and around Mossy Point :
> - many Azure Kingfishers
> - Nankeen Night Heron immature (I think - have photos but I'm thrown
> by green legs)
> - Striated Heron
> - Crested Shrike-tits, Rufous and Golden Whistlers, Thornbills,
> Red-brow Finches, FT Cuckoo immatures, I reckon a Pilotbird but I
> wouldn't really know (all brown, bigger than a rock warbler,
> fleeting, stayed low), Yellow Robins, Grey Fantail all occurred
> together in a small inlet near the top of Coila Ck, just as Rod described
> - Sea-eagles adult (and immature once) patrolling above the headland
> every evening and (also as Rod mentioned) looking spectacular in the
> narrow confines of Coila Ck
> - Rainbow Lorikeet, King Parrot, SC Cockatoo, YT Black Cockatoo,
> Galah, Rosellas at Mossy Pt
> Pics of some including Az Kingfisher, BF Monarch and B Gerygone and
> nest:
> I'd be grateful for help on the attached bird that was at the Bot
> Gardens - I really have no idea. I got the impression it was small
> but it may have been larger I guess up to Robin or Whistler size.
> Basically grey all over with greenish-yellow in the wing and a tuft
> of white near the shoulder. Legs were grey or reddish depending on
> the light (see photo) and eye was dark reddish. It perched briefly
> outside the bird-hide then I found it later feeding on insects in
> bark at head height.
> Julian

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