
Little Eagles

To: <>
Subject: Little Eagles
From: "Geoffrey Dabb" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 11:50:05 +1100

Just to draw things together, the Little Eagle nest that Roger Curnow mentioned last night was west of Macgregor over Ginninderra Ck near the NSW border on a grazing lease.  The chick fledged just last week, which is very, very late.  This makes 2 successful nestings that we know of, the other being the FSP one.  Apparently there have been no reports this season from the Lower Molonglo corridor.


There is a report of another possible late nesting ‘towards Kambah Pool’.  Other possible sites that may be no more than speculation are ‘The Pinnacle’, ‘Mount Majura, west side’ and ‘Molonglo Gorge’.   I would be interested to learn if anyone has any more information about LE nesting in the area during the season now drawing to a close.  gd    

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  • Little Eagles, Geoffrey Dabb <=

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