
Little black cormorants

To: "Paul Fennell" <>, "'Canberra Birds'" <>
Subject: Little black cormorants
From: "Rod's Gardening" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 23:55:44 +1100
I paddled around Lake G late this evening.  I estimated there was a mixed flock of Little Black and Great Cormorants in excess of 100 perched in trees not far from the boat ramp.  Individual Little Blacks were flying down to the water to feed.  About 6 Little Pied were also seen flying overhead.  Later we flushed about 60 -70 Little Blacks from the water on the opposite side of the lake where they seemed to be in a feeding frenzy, probably where you saw them Paul.  It may be fairly regular behaviour as I saw similar numbers doing the same thing on Lake Burley G early last year right under Commonwealth Av. bridge on at least 2 occasions.
Also seen was a chestnut/brown duck with a broad white band around the neck, white eye ring and bright yellow legs.  I guess it's some type of  Aus. Shelduck hybrid, and probably a Lake G regular.
Also heard were Little Grass Birds calling at two different locations.
Last weekends travels on Jerrabomberra Ck and the big lake produced 100+ Aust White Ibis including dependent young still in nests, 100+ Swans, Black faced Cuckoo- shrike with at least one DY in nest, Silver Gull nesting on the pontoon near Glenloch Interchange, Dollarbird with 2 DY seen either drinking or hawking from the lake surface, and Little Grass birds heard at 3 locations.
Rod Mackay
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