I'll be soooo glad when the tourist season finishes
and puts an end to these fairweather immigrants we have been assailed with
lately. The Square-tailed Kite was a bit of a novelty at first, but now, it
seems if you were to put your head just above the tree line height there is a
high probability it would be knocked off by them. Then of course we have these
nasty Canada come Kiwi Geese flying to and fro between dams scaring all the
locals. The talk of being invaded by these flu carrying -fly by night-
take-over monsters is on every-ones lips at the moment. To be honest they didn't
look that threatening to me, but who am I?, I can even get a Yellow-Bellied
Glider call! right,(I've never really liked them anyway).
And now we have just
discovered rascally Spectacled Monarchs sneaking and hiding in some
shady gullies in an effort to colonise the area ( the things you see when you
don't have gun) but we spotted them allright and it will be reported to the
revelent authorities, make no mistake. I think that the final straw was when a
immature Channel-Billed Cuckoo came to the back door yesterday ,and of
course, throwing panic through the whole neighbour-hood. Before we could send it
on it's way,luckily for it, one of the adults flew over calling loudly , the
young one took off and quickly joined up with it. Where will it all end ?.
Is this the end of the avian world as we know it?
Bob Rusk
PS Oh no I've been told that there is 3 pacific
bazas down at Moruya district.