
The Next Generation - little Little Eagle (correction)

To: <>
Subject: The Next Generation - little Little Eagle (correction)
From: Julian Robinson <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:38:40 +1100
How I love technology.  Flickr changed the address on me, try this link instead...


I saw the FSP Little Eagle offspring (the subject of Geoffrey's photograph) a day or two before it fledged - on the Sunday.  It was then still nest-bound but once an hour or so would do it's pre-flight exercises which (due to the absence of suitable adjacent branches in pines) consisted of 'flying' around the rim of the nest. 

There's a somewhat messy animation showing this interesting behaviour here...

Warning!  Nearly 5MB, so dial-uppers have a cup of tea or read an improving novel instead.


At 01:29 PM 29/11/2007, Geoffrey Dabb wrote:
Below is the sole FSP Little Eagle chick, now taking its first flights, although of just a few metres as of this morning.  It seems intermediate between its parents, although favouring the mother.

Curiously, in spite of the Canberra Times assertions about the last ACT LEs nesting in the lower Molonglo, this nest (I think the ACT?s only one this year) is in full view of the Canberra Times building, perhaps 500m away.  I hope that assessment was all their own work, because I?m told that construction work early next year might adversely affect this site, and if we keep coming up with new ?last refuges of the Little Eagle? they might stop believing us ? if they did anyway. 

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