As of today, I have received 291 datasheets from COG’s
bird blitz on 27-28 Oct, from 76 named participants and many more unnamed ones.
We managed very good grid cell coverage this year – 132 to date, thanks
in particular to a number of good Samaritans who elected to mop up unloved grid
cells (largely unloved for good reason – the bird returns were fairly
ordinary). 161 bird species were recorded, with 84 species breeding. Thanks to
all participants who helped make this year’s blitz a great success, and
better than the two previous years’ blitzes on all parameters. There are
still, by my reckoning, a few participants who have not as yet returned their
datasheets. Please mail them to COG, PO
Box 301, Civic
Square 2608 as soon as possible - the cut-off date
is the end of the month. And it would be a pity for your hard work to go to
waste. I shall be providing a preliminary report for the next Gang-gang and a
full article for a future CBN. Cheers, Barbara