As of today, I have received 82 datasheets, covering 43 grid
cells in total, from 24 named participants (and a few nameless ones). 144
species of bird have been recorded, with 52 species breeding. Many thanks to
those who have already sent in or dropped in their datasheets. And a gentle
reminder to those who haven’t, please do so soon, or bring them to the November
COG meeting. I shall cut off this year at the end of November and exclude from
analysis any datasheets which straggle in late. Again, many thanks to all
participants. The bubbling enthusiasm for the event expressed by so many has
been heartening. Not all sites proved as rewarding or as pleasant as last year,
but on the other hand, Dunlop/Macgregor H11/I11 has been this year’s
standout so far. b