Hello all again,
Just wondering if the Black-winged (Pied) Stilts, Glossy Ibis etc also come close to the hides? If weather's good tomorrow I may try for some close views of those...
Oh and has the Black-tailed Nativehen put on an appearance of late?? Also going check the sewerage ponds if possible.
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 18:47:34 +1000 > To: > From: > Subject: Re: [canberrabirds] Bar-tailed Godwit still at Kelly's Swamp > > Thanks to David Mc I was watching the Godwit on the far shore to the > south of Cygnus. I lost sight of it when fiddling with a technical > problem, only to find it had appeared on my side of the swamp. It > was not fussed and I suspect is unaware of its celebrity status, > probably thinking it is just another godwit. It was not particularly > shy and hung around the far southern waterline until I had to leave > to avoid the storm. A pic is attached, not contained, to reduce email size. > > Good blitz luck to everyone, > > Julian
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