As at now I have not seen or heard
the White-fronted Honeyeater since Sunday. For any normal bird under two days of
non sighting would not be unusual. However having seen it every day since 5
July up till 26 August and normally with little more than 5 minutes delay, not
having seen/heard it since Sunday seems significant. As far as I know there was
a 100% success rate of the about 55 observers who came to see it in that time
period. It was changing its behaviour over the last few days and being here
less. It was broadening its feeding methods and locations. I will keep a lookout
for it though. Either way it has been a pleasant event. I'm thinking of where to
send a write up of it to.
The likely change is: with getting
warmer the Grevillea is full of bees who no doubt are removing most of the
nectar. Curiously the White-plumed Honeyeaters, Eastern Spinebills, Grey
Shrike-thrush, Golden Whistler & all or most of the Satin Bowerbirds
seem to have gone also. Although none of these are unexpected changes as winter
is ending.