I popped out to the robin site at Coppins Crossing today in my lunch hour.
Despite the cold wind I managed to get great views of the following species
where they were previously seen.
White-fronted Chat (2 adult males, 2 adult females)
Red-capped Robin (1 adult male)
Scarlet Robin (adult male/female pair)
Flame Robin (1 adult male, several others)
Diamond Firetail (2 adults, at least 4 immatures/juveniles)
Plenty of other birds but no sign of the Red-browed and Double-barred
Finches today.
And a warning to anyone wandering off the tracks down by the river below
the old ponds, be careful of the bits of rusty barbed wire lying everywhere
in the dense herbage.
Marnix Zwankhuizen
Senior Analyst/Programmer
Australian Electoral Commission
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