Hello everyone
Spotted a light greyish dove with a black collar over the entrance to
Woolworths Belconnen Supermarket. Making quite a racket.
In chasing it up I found this picture at http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/htmsl/h3152pi.jpg
What I found interesting was that no two web entries seemed to call it the
same thing.
The US Geological Service called it a Ringed Turtle-dove, other people call
it a Domestic Ringneck, Domestic Collared Dove, a Barbary Dove.
HANZAB calls it a Barbary Dove, so I guess that is what we call it.
Paul Fennell
Database Manager
Canberra Ornithologists Group
0407 105 460
02 6254 1804
25 Pickles St Scullin ACT 2614