
stint at Kellys

To: "Ian Fraser" <>, "Cog line" <>
Subject: stint at Kellys
From: "Steve Holliday" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 14:48:55 +1000
Interesting, Prue and I have just got back from Kelly's, not having seen
Ian's original posting, and were watching the stint just 45 minutes ago. I
identified it as a Red-necked based primarily on the dark legs, but Ian's
message has raised a few doubts. I thought it was possibly a young bird in
worn plumage, however our views of it, even with a scope, weren't very good
so I am quite prepared to change my mind. Certainly the breast markings were
strong for a Red-necked. On the other hand I was convinced from the views we
had that the legs were all black, and I also thought its' feeding mode
favoured RN rather than Long-toed. Hopefully someone can get better views
and a positive ID. Some photos would be good too.

Failed to see Turquoise Parrot or Little Bittern, damn it!



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