I would hardly call it a blitz, more of a get out
and have a look and listen between and after the rain. I went on the phantom
threatened bird network Painted Snipe survey at Kelly's swamp and then the FSP
after that on Saturday (still good for Blue-billed Ducks (at least 13),
Pink-eared Ducks and the other somewhat less special usuals.
Sunday morning was spent at Tharwa and squares
south of Tharwa. The surprising thing was the flocks of Little Corellas.
Previously I had only seen them in Central Canberra and Queanbeyan, with the
occasional ones at Kambah and I don't recall mentions by other people that they
had encountered them in the south of the ACT before. We found flocks of 10 at
one site (the Namadgi Visitors Centre) and 30 at Gigerline. Those were only the
ones we saw clearly at close range and were probably only a small part of the
total, judging by the sounds coming from the huge mixed flocks of white
birds seen at considerable distance (most of which were surely
We got most of the summer migrants as