Would people who have seen the huge flocks of
Little Corellas please put in records! The database dump for 2003-04 (excluding
GBS) shows only 11 records for the species, with the largest flock size of 40.
This is so far from the truth it is laughable. Grab an incidental record form
from the website www.canberrabirds.org.au, under
forms, (or from meetings - or I'll send you one) fill it in and drop it into the
red box at meetings or post to PO Box 301, Civic Square 2608. PLEASE. We're
meant to be the definitive answer on bird abundance etc and sell our data for
important purposes - we must not be so wrong on an issue like this. Geoffrey
Dabb, you "adopted" the Little Corella as one of your special birds of interest
- are you hording a pile of records??? Sigh (as she beats her head up
against yet another brick wall) Barbara